Iron Soldier 3 Box Art 4/25/2002 by K3V |
I've had a few requests to post the box art for Iron Soldier 3 since the copies that NUON-Dome and VM Labs gave away were disc only, so here it is. Be warned, though, it's about 3 megs - I scanned it at a high resolution so it should look OK when printed out. |
Llamasoft Makes a Comebaack 4/21/2002 by K3V |
While not directly related to NUON, there are a lot of Minter fans that visit here no doubt, so this news will be of interest to you! |
Bust A Move 4 reviewed...and more! 4/14/2002 by K3V |
Qix Up and Running on NUON 4/5/2002 by K3V |
aMaze MPEG Video 4/4/2002 by K3V |
The aMaze GameFan MPEG video is now up on the Media Page, which completes the collection of clips that GameFan online took a few E3's ago. This file takes a good look at the unreleased game in action. Thanks to Keita for passing along the clip! |
NUON Wave Animation Unearthed 4/2/2002 by K3V |
Thanks to Andreas Binner, a new NUON animation is now available for download. Known as the "Wave Intro," the 3D animation was to be used in future NUON games and commercials. What's available in this clip is not completely finished and is more a "proof-of-idea." Andreas adds that "In its current form it also is too long. The music is the only version we did, and perhaps different than one would expect. ;-)" |