N501 Featured in Smart TV & Sound 1/29/2003 by K3V |
The Samsung DVD-N501 graces the cover of the current issue of Smart TV and Sound Magazine, in which they give a review of the machine and walk through a viewing of Bedazzled. Unfortunately the review comes after the machine has been discontinued, and they did experience some audio sync issues with it. |
Tips and Tricks Article: Collecting NUON 1/29/2003 by K3V |
DVD International Orders 1/14/2003 by K3V |
Lately I've been receiving emails from people who have been experiencing troubles with orders placed at DVD 4 You/DVD International. Unfortunately NUON-Dome does not handle the sale of NUON games or accessories, so if you're one of the people waiting on an order, please do not email me about it. Instead, use the contact information provided on the DVD International website: |
It's an Explosive New Year... 1/3/2003 by K3V |
Finally, we're happy to report that the high scores list is now up and running, so either click on the banner above or head over to the BOMB Page here to get in on the action! |